Team Viyam

Feb 4, 20212 min

Unconditional I Unadulterated I Unparalleled I LOVE

February, being the month of love and affection, this article is to share the thoughts about mothers' love.

For a child, MOTHER being the first person to meet in the world, MOTHER’s LOVE is always special and exceptional compared to all other relationships and the bond shared.

The moment a mother realizes she has a life growing in her womb, there will be a sense, an unexplainable affection in her. She becomes protective and tries maximum to do the needful for the new life. Once the baby is out in the world, until the death of the mother, the kid will always be her child. The protectiveness and caring for the child does not stop. There is a saying, “once a child, always and a child".

The child may not understand the love of a mother, and may say or do things that might be silly and worthless. But just because it came from the child, it may hurt the mother immensely. Also, as part of raising the child, the child must be disciplined. Punishments in the form of timeouts, and not talking with the child is punishment for the mother, rather than the child. Those will be the most painful moments for a mother. And when the child does not learn from that, it becomes even more painful. But she never stops loving the child and her love remains unconditional irrespective of the kid’s age.

In the child's adolescence age, the thought that all parents are mean and know nothing of their generation is a common misconception. All the misconceptions and disbelief fades out when the child becomes a parent and realizes the duties of parenthood.

The fact that all the pain and suffering of pregnancy and delivery vanishes the moment the mother lays eyes on the child. This is true and can relate to any moment in the mother's life. A mother's love has a unique quality of playing different roles during different phases of a kid’s life. They are the best playmate, friend, teacher, guide…etc. Let’s salute and acknowledge their selfless LOVE & AFFECTION

For all the mothers in the world and their unaltered love and support, they shower towards their kids.